01 Perky Animate Module More than 3000+ customers and counting from around the world rely on Divi Fullwidth Header Extended. Featured on ElementThemes blog topic on 10 Awesome Third-Party Divi Plugins. One of the must have for Divi sites. We are bringing title effect features from the popular Fullwidth Header Extended to the Perky Animate Module. We merge the Call-to-Action, Blurb and all Title Effects into one. Let’s us introduce you, The most powerful and versatile Custom Module ever. Perky Animate Module. 6 Title Effects j Typing Effect|Perky Animate|Divi This is the typing effect of the title. You can have Static Text and Typing Effect as well. j Rotator Effect|Perky Animate|Divi This is the rotator effect of the title. You can have Static Text and Rotator Effect as well. j Textillate Effect This is the textillate effect of the title. You can choose your own animation for in and out effect. j TextGif Effect Masking an image in your text is achievable by using our TextGIF effect. j Background Text Text Behind Title You can have a background text behind the title as well. Positioning would require some custom CSS on the Advanced Tab depending on font-size and length of text. j Fancyline You can choose to have line on title and control whether this should appears before or after the Title. 7 Image Filters to Choose From Greyscale|Blur|Sepia|Saturate|Brightness|Constrast|Invert Grayscale Sepia Saturate Blur Constrast Invert Brightness 37 Hover Animations Effects Push Up Push Up Fancy line after the Title as a nice subtle effect. Content also slides in from the left and appears at the bottom when hovered. Push Down Push Down Fancy line after the Title as a nice subtle effect. Content also slides in from the left and appears at the bottom when hovered. Push Left Push Left Fancy line after the Title as a nice subtle effect. Content also slides in from the left and appears at the bottom when hovered. Push Right Push Right Fancy line after the Title as a nice subtle effect. Content also slides in from the left and appears at the bottom when hovered. Fade in Fade in A full overlay background color with fade in contents and border styling when hovered. Fade in up Fade in up A full overlay background color with fade in contents and border styling when hovered. Fade in down Fade in down A full overlay background color with fade in contents and border styling when hovered. Fade in left Fade in left A full overlay background color with fade in contents and border styling when hovered. Fade in right Fade in right A full overlay background color with fade in contents and border styling when hovered. Hover me for Flip Right effect Flip Right This is a box overlay effect with hidden contents that flip open when hovered. Hover me for Flip Down effect Flip Down This is a box overlay effect with hidden contents that flip open when hovered. Hover me for Flip Up effect Flip Up This is a box overlay effect with hidden contents that flip open when hovered. Hover me for Flip Right 360 effect Flip Right 360 This is a box overlay effect with hidden contents that flip open when hovered. Hover me for Flip Down 360 effect Flip Down 360 This is a box overlay effect with hidden contents that flip open when hovered. Hover me for Flip Up 360 effect Flip Up 360 This is a box overlay effect with hidden contents that flip open when hovered. Hover me for Flip Left effect Flip Left This is a box overlay effect with hidden contents that flip open when hovered. Flip Diagonal Top Left/Bottom Right Flip Diagonal Top Left/Bottom Right This is a box overlay effect with hidden contents that flip open when hovered. Flip Diagonal Top Right/Bottom Left Flip Diagonal Top Right/Bottom Left This is a box overlay effect with hidden contents that flip open when hovered. Hover me for Flip Left 360 effect Flip Left 360 This is a box overlay effect with hidden contents that flip open when hovered. Slide Up DWD is earth Slide Up It’s easy to forget neglect the wonder of our planet in the bustle of the every-day, until you stop to really think about the terrific forces at play to shape the world around us. Slide Down DWD is earth Slide Down It’s easy to forget neglect the wonder of our planet in the bustle of the every-day, until you stop to really think about the terrific forces at play to shape the world around us. Slide Right DWD is earth Slide Right It’s easy to forget neglect the wonder of our planet in the bustle of the every-day, until you stop to really think about the terrific forces at play to shape the world around us. Slide Left DWD is earth Slide Left It’s easy to forget neglect the wonder of our planet in the bustle of the every-day, until you stop to really think about the terrific forces at play to shape the world around us. Slide Top Right DWD is earth Slide Top Right It’s easy to forget neglect the wonder of our planet in the bustle of the every-day, until you stop to really think about the terrific forces at play to shape the world around us. Slide Bottom Left DWD is earth Slide Bottom Left It’s easy to forget neglect the wonder of our planet in the bustle of the every-day, until you stop to really think about the terrific forces at play to shape the world around us. Slide Bottom Right DWD is earth Slide Bottom Right It’s easy to forget neglect the wonder of our planet in the bustle of the every-day, until you stop to really think about the terrific forces at play to shape the world around us. Slide Top Left DWD is earth Slide Top Left It’s easy to forget neglect the wonder of our planet in the bustle of the every-day, until you stop to really think about the terrific forces at play to shape the world around us. Hinge Down Hinge Down Fancy line after the Title as a nice subtle effect. Content also slides in from the left and appears at the bottom when hovered. Hinge Left Hinge Left Fancy line after the Title as a nice subtle effect. Content also slides in from the left and appears at the bottom when hovered. Hinge Right Hinge Right Fancy line after the Title as a nice subtle effect. Content also slides in from the left and appears at the bottom when hovered. Hinge Up Hinge Up Fancy line after the Title as a nice subtle effect. Content also slides in from the left and appears at the bottom when hovered. Zoom In Zoom In A full overlay background color with zoom in contents and border styling when hovered. Zoom Out Zoom Out A full overlay background color with zoom in contents and border styling when hovered. Zoom Out Up Zoom Out Up A full overlay background color with zoom in contents and border styling when hovered. Zoom Out Down Zoom Out Down A full overlay background color with zoom in contents and border styling when hovered. Zoom Out Left Zoom Out Left A full overlay background color with zoom in contents and border styling when hovered. Zoom Out Right Zoom Out Right A full overlay background color with zoom in contents and border styling when hovered. Material Design Shadow In material design, everything should have a certain z-depth that determines how far raised or close to the page the element is. No Shadow You can set shadow on the element. 1 to 5 determines how far raised or close to the page the element is. Button Shadow 1 You can set shadow on the element. 1 to 5 determines how far raised or close to the page the element is. Button Shadow 2 You can set shadow on the element. 1 to 5 determines how far raised or close to the page the element is. Button Shadow 3 You can set shadow on the element. 1 to 5 determines how far raised or close to the page the element is. Button Shadow 4 You can set shadow on the element. 1 to 5 determines how far raised or close to the page the element is. Button Shadow 5 You can set shadow on the element. 1 to 5 determines how far raised or close to the page the element is. Button Video Popup and Make Entire Div Clickable You can put your url link or video popup on the whole div or button with just a few clicks. Your choice. This example uses sub heading text and background zooming effect. Make entire div clickable with your own link or open them in new window. Your choice. Or just create a button and put your own link or open them in new window. Your choice. Button Make entire div clickable with your own YouTube or Vimeo link Or just create a button and put your own YouTube or Vimeo link. Your choice. Button Scroll Fading Animation This will fade in and fade in as you scroll. You can also animation each elements from Title to Buttons. Your choice. Fullwidth Header Extended The Divi Fullwidth Header Extended module provides a comprehensive suite of header customizations that helps you easily create dynamic text effects, image effects, background animations and more. Learn More Perky Animate The Divi Perky Animate module provides a comprehensive suite of customizations that helps you easily create dynamic text effects, image effects, gradient background, overlay, hover effects and more. Learn More Map Extended Our Divi Custom Map Extended Module is designed to work with any Divi Builder based site. You have 73 preload color map styles to choose from. You can add your own pin icon, set the icon/image width and height and more! Learn More